First, please understand that most of these diets out here are NOT going to be effective. Many people have the assumption that any diet will work and all it takes is for you to be consistent. This is not the case. The reason why is because many of
the diets that are on the market today are nothing but fad diets.
Fad diets (liquid diets, Hollywood celebrity endorsed diets, reduced-carbs, reduced-fat, reduced-calories, prepackaged meals, etc.) are not effective because the body rejects anything that is restrictive and unnatural. When you restrict things too much or if you are doing something that is unnatural, the body will not process the foods you are eating, and instead will keep back the calories you are consuming as body fat!
What I recommend for you to do instead in order for you to lose stubborn fat fast are the following 3 tips:
1.) Eat more often. When you eat more frequently, you will help your metabolism increase, you will lower your hunger pang level, you will get rid of food cravings, and so much more.
2.) Eat the right foods. Obviously, the heart of any diet program is WHAT it is you are eating. A diet that is guaranteed to get you in the best shape possible is one that is based on eating ALL types of nutrients... including good carbs and good fats! You also must ensure that you are getting a good amount of protein, antioxidants, and of course, vitamins and minerals.
3.) Boost your fat burning hormones. What I recommend for you to do is take food and use it to manipulate your fat burning hormones into increasing. This powerful type of dieting is contrary to every single fad diet there is because you are EATING to lose weight for a change... and will still get amazing results lightning fast and permanently. The way to do this is to shift the calories and nutrients you eat around so that your metabolism doesn't become complacent.
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