The Top Fat Loss Secret Everybody Should Know Before Starting A Fat Loss Program

When you think about the number one top fat loss secret, you might be thinking about a certain way of training or miracle foods that promote astonishing results. However, the secret is really about learning what works best for your body transformation and being consistent in your weight loss endeavor. There is a common ground that everyone shares when trying to
lose fat. This article will cover the four most effective secrets.

Top Fat Loss Secret #1 - Snacks

Choices... Eating snacks is necessary for weight loss. But the choices you make in selecting those snacks will determine the outcome of your results for weight loss. When deciding what to snack on, you should consider what would be a healthier choice, a candy bar or a carrot. Making the right choices for your snacks is a top fat loss secret that will have you seeing great results.

Here are some unhealthy snacks that most people fall victim...
  • Chips
  • Cookies
  • Pastries
  • Pop tarts
  • Candy
  • Chocolate
  • Pretzels.
These kinds of snacks will spike your insulin level and will shut down the fat burning process in your body. Unhealthy snacks like these are high in simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates raise your blood pressure and are stored in the body, either in your muscles or as fat.

When your body stores carbohydrates as fat, it will not be able to burn fat. Therefore, these types of snacks should be eliminated from your diet. Eat fruits or vegetables instead. This top fat loss secret can help you with your hunger cravings as well. Since vegetables and fruit contain a lot of fiber, you will feel full longer than with junk food.

Top Fat Loss Secret #2 - The Power Of Planning

Planning is the number one top fat loss secret that can make or break your success. Not only should you plan your fat loss lifestyle, you have to stick with it. Here are several key areas of fat loss you should plan...
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Rest
Planning Your Diet will take knowledge of what foods will promote weight loss and the time you should eat those foods for the best results. Some people prefer to cook all their meals first thing in the morning so they don't have to spend time in the kitchen later. Since diet is 80 percent of your weight loss success, you will see great results by consuming the right kind of food which will promote fat loss.

Planning Your Exercise is also important to weight loss. Having a planned exercise routine to follow will increase your fat loss results and keep you focused on your goals. Think of your plan as a map of where you started, where you are and where you want to go.

Planning Your Rest is an important area you should not ignore. Make sure you give your body plenty of time to recuperate after an intense workout. Sleeping is a big part of weight loss. Here is one of the reasons, natural human growth hormones are released when you are in REM Sleep. This is powerful for fat burning and building muscle.

Top Fat Loss Secret #3 - Find a Good Fat Loss Program

This will take a little bit of research and time. Finding a fat loss program that works is not something that has to be done in order to lose fat. However, it certainly will speed up the process when you have a good program to follow by taking all the guessing out of the equation.

One helpful tip to know if a program might be a scam is, If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. For example, if they are offering unbelievable results in very short time, stay away. No program can offer magical results with little effort on your part.

Top Fat Loss Secret #4 - Early Morning Cardio on an Empty Stomach

There has been a lot of controversy on when is the best time to workout for weight loss. From my experience, there is one time during the day when you will burn more fat than any other. That period of time is in the morning and on an empty stomach. This top fat loss secret will have you burning more calories from your stored fat. The reason is your blood sugar is low and your glycogen storage are depleted. This means, your body main source of energy will come from stored body fat, and not carbohydrates.

For some people, this may be a problem. Here's why, having a low amount of energy while performing cardiovascular exercises can cause a feeling of light headed or weakness. Under these circumstances, it is difficult to put 100 percent into a workout.

Fortunately, there is a solution for those who feel too weak to workout in this state but can still reap the rewards of weight loss, The answer is consuming a high protein low carb source before your workout. The best time to take in protein is about 30 minutes before your early morning workout to fuel your body. The key is not to eat carbohydrates before the morning workout. This will shut down the ability of your body to use the stored fat as fuel.

For a good protein source, I recommend a fast absorbing protein like a whey protein shake. Protein will help maintain your muscle mass and give you that little bit of energy that might be lacking in the morning.

You may have known about this information but never really understood why it is so important for fat loss. Overall, I found that the most misunderstood top fat loss secret is about how and why high protein and low carb is so important in your diet.

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